
Jaco & Toots

Febbraio 1985, So What Tv, Belgio. Toots Thielemans e Jaco Pastorius – “Three Views Of A Secret”

Febbraio 1985, Belgio
L’armonicista jazz Toots Thielemans e Jaco Pastorius al piano reinterpretano il brano del bassista Three Views Of A Secret in un concerto trasmesso dell’emittente belga So What. Il pezzo è tratto dal secondo album da solista di Pastorius, Word Of Mouth del 1981.

February 1985, Belgium
The jazz harmonica player Toots Thielemans and Jaco Pastorius at the piano play the bassist’s song “Three Views Of A Secret” in a concert broadcasted by the Belgian tv So What. The song is on Pastorius’s solo album, “Word Of Mouth”, released on 1981.

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